Based on two decades of experience, “The Two Bipolar Chicks” share their personal stories for each tip, their light-hearted, yet serious approach in dealing with bipolar disorder. This informal, yet informative survival guide in presented in an easy, straight-forward manner. Your guides Wendy and Honora will steer you through the murky swamps of bipolar disorder with expertise.
The book gives their personal insight which makes this a unique book. Wendy and Honora divulge personal tidbits from their experiences with mania: pitfalls of dating sites to how to not blow your life savings when in an episode.
They offer tips on medication management as well as their own, personal journeys with acceptance. You’ll pick up tips on managing depression to mania and everything in between.
This book is an asset to anyone navigating the murky, bipolar waters and the Two Bipolar Chicks are your perfect guides!
Based on two decades of experience, “The Two Bipolar Chicks” share their personal stories for each tip, their light-hearted, yet serious approach in dealing with bipolar disorder. This informal, yet informative survival guide in presented in an easy, straight-forward manner. Your guides Wendy and Honora will steer you through the murky swamps of bipolar disorder with expertise.
The book gives their personal insight which makes this a unique book. Wendy and Honora divulge personal tidbits from their experiences with mania: pitfalls of dating sites to how to not blow your life savings when in an episode.
They offer tips on medication management as well as their own, personal journeys with acceptance. You’ll pick up tips on managing depression to mania and everything in between.
This book is an asset to anyone navigating the murky, bipolar waters and the Two Bipolar Chicks are your perfect guides!