Forbes: Full-Time is “Excellent and Thought-Provoking”

Forbes recently took a deep look at David L. Bahnsen’s Full-Time: Work and the Meaning of Life. Writer John Tamny analyzes multiple sections of the book in deep detail, and ends by saying, “I hope this excellent, thought-provoking book wins a wide readership. If so, readers will see much more of themselves in David Bahnsen’s

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Blaze Media Excerpts American Inheritance

Glenn Beck writer Nathan Nipper gave Blaze Media a preview of his new novel, American Inheritance. Check it the Align preview here.

Scaramucci Recounts His 11 Days in the White House With CNN

In a recent interview with CNN This Morning, Anthony Scaramucci talked about his brief time as White House Communications Director, his unceremonious dismissal from that position, and his new book, From Wall Street to the White House and Back: The Scaramucci Guide to Unbreakable Resilience.

Tom Seeman’s Story, Grabbing a Lifeline and Giving Back

The Baltimore Sun ran a guest commentary, “Tom Seeman’s Story of Growing Up Poor, Grabbing a Lifeline and Giving Back“. His memoir, Animals I Want to See: A Memoir of Growing Up in the Projects and Defying the Odds, is highlighted prominently in the article. Read it here.

Steve Guttenberg Talks Hollywood with Page Six

Actor Steve Guttenberg, author of the book Time to Thank: Caregiving for my Hero, spoke with Page Six about the pitfalls of Hollywood, his dad’s advice, and his new memoir. Read the interview here. 

Eric Kaufmann: “Why Young People Become Woker and Woker”

A recent New York Post opinion piece by Eric Kaufmann, author of The Third Awokening: A 12-Point Plan for Rolling Back Progressive Extremism, offers his thoughts on “Why young people become woker and woker”. Read his contribution here.

Boston Herald: Seeman’s Escape From Toledo Makes an Impact in Boston

In a recent article in the Boston Herald. author Tom Seeman’s book Animals I Want To See: A Memoir of Growing Up in the Projects and Defying the Odds is called, “A book that is deeply moving, will inspire all who read it, and will create untold acts of kindness.”    

CT Insider: ‘Dinner for Schmucks’ star releases ‘Selfish’

CT Insider ran a featured article on actor and author Stephanie Szostak and her book, Selfish: Step into a Journey of Self-Discovery to Revive Confidence, Joy, and Meaning. Read the article here.

ET Talks With LC Palmer about “Keep Living”

Spotlighting her new memoir, Keep Living, ET recently met with Loreal Chanel “LC” Palmer. Read and watch their discussion here. 

Fast Company On Patricia Chadwick, AKA “The Witch of Wall Street”

Fast Company featured the new book by Patricia Walsh Chadwick, Breaking Glass: Tales From The Witch Of Wall Street. Check out the article on their web site here.