Itxu Díaz

Ixtu Díaz (A Coruña, Spain) is a journalist, satirical columnist, and writer. He has worked in press, radio, and television, as well as corporate communications as a speechwriter for the government of Spain. His articles have appeared in the American Spectator, National Review, the Daily Beast, the Federalist, the American Conservative, First Things, the Western Journal, the Daily Caller, the European Conservative, and others. He is the author of a dozen books in Spanish, including the humorous treatises Yo maté a un gurú de internet (I Killed an Internet Guru) (2012) and Aprende a cocinar: lo suficientemente mal como para que otro lo haga por ti (Learn to Cook Badly Enough that Someone Will Do it for You) (2015), the column anthology El siglo no ha empezado aún (The Century Has Not Begun Yet) (2018), the book Todo iba bien (Everything Was Going Well) (2019), and the novel Rosas de papel (Paper Roses) (2023).

Books byItxu Díaz