The Fight of My Life: The Coronavirus: A Dance with the Devil


From COVID-19, to President Trump, to the murder of George Floyd, to the controversial Black Lives Matter movement, 2020 was the year from hell. The Fight of My Life is a tale of survival in America in 2020 against two invisible and deadly enemies: the Coronavirus and racism.


These were the last words of more than a half-million people in America who contracted the deadly Coronavirus.

Ironically, they were also among the last words of Mr. George Floyd, an African-American man murdered by Derek Chauvin, a white police officer who knelt on Mr. Floyd’s neck for eight minutes and forty-six seconds.

Was it merely a coincidence that these same words were uttered in both instances? Was there a connection on some deeper, abstract level that should have served as a wake-up call for the United States of America?

In 2020, two deadly viruses swept the nation: a new virus known as “COVID-19” and one centuries-old virus called “Racism.”

The Fight of My Life: The Coronavirus: A Dance with the Devil is an inspirational tale of one man’s fight and path to victory over two invisible and deadly enemies.