Play Ball: Don’t Let Injuries Sideline You This Season

By Dr. Christopher Ahmad, John Gallucci Jr., MS, ATC, PT, DPT

There’s a slow-motion epidemic of arm injury happening in youth baseball, but it’s one that can be both prevented—and treated. The statistics for baseball injuries are grim:

  • 30% of kids ages 9 to 19 who play baseball experience shoulder pain
  • 50% of all youth pitchers reported elbow or shoulder pain
  • 100% increase in pitching-related injuries from Little League to high school
  • 700% increase in high schoolers undergoing UCL reconstruction surgery since 2000

Through years of working hand-in-hand, Drs. Christopher Ahmad and John Gallucci Jr. have seen this recent influx in baseball injuries that require surgery followed by extensive post-operative physical therapy.

After seeing their number of surgical cases increase every year, Ahmad and Gallucci teamed up with a mission to create a true resource for coaches, parents, and athletes to use to learn more about how to prevent injuries as well as educate themselves on the recovery process if an injury is sustained.

Play Ball is their guide designed for parents, coaches, and athletes to make the best decisions possible. Written in layman’s terms, Play Ball is an easy, conversational read that will answer your most pressing concerns. Don’t let an injury sideline you or any ball player in your family.