No Retreat: How to Secure Israel for Generations to Come


A comprehensive multi-front strategic plan for Israel’s future safety—and success—in a dangerous world.

This book was written out of boundless love for our country, the State of Israel, and shines a spotlight on life in the Land of Israel.

There isn’t a single person among us with his head screwed on who isn’t concerned for the future of our existence here. The developments in the region around us keep us awake at night. Our state depends on those citizens who bear the burden, but even those who do not carry the proverbial stretcher on their shoulders have to find a place underneath it. Every citizen of Israel and the diaspora must play a role in keeping the country safe, respecting our differences and each other’s values.

Amir Avivi is part of Israel’s beautiful vista and I consider him a symbol of love for our homeland. He has taken on an extremely difficult task: to lead a movement that voices concern for our country’s future and, at the same time, work to deepen citizens’ confidence and faith in our abilities and power. Only someone with such deep roots, and so full of love, can express such concerns about the future while articulating a sweeping, meaningful vision.

This book guides us with tremendous skill through scenarios that might seem farfetched and at times downright fantastical. But this reality check is supremely important, because these possible future scenarios—scenarios that are scarcely imaginable—pose a concrete threat to our existence here in Israel.

The vision that this book articulates is based on a clear-eyed view of the reality unfolding in front of our eyes in the Middle East. Let’s open our eyes together, start reading, get into the weeds, and prepare for our common future here—lest we become yet another nation that failed to safeguard its land and historical heritage.

The State of Israel has been blessed with sons and daughters who have proudly passed on the Zionist torch from generation to generation. It’s our job to make sure that legacy keeps getting handed down.