Let Freedom Ring … Again: Can Self-Evident Truths Save America from Further Decline?


If we hope to remain free and prosperous as a nation, we must be involved, informed and vigilant.

The United States of America is in peril. The fundamental freedoms and values that were once synonymous with America are being dismantled at an alarming rate.  Those who are engaged in this destruction of America base their movement on feelings, not facts or reason.

If they are successful in overthrowing American’s principles and foundations, Americans of all races and creeds will suffer as their freedoms are usurped and their opportunities stolen in the name of progressive government power. Average, regular, everyday Americans will see their hope for freedom, opportunity, and a better future wither and die.

Only the political elites and their friends will benefit. As history will show, those who seek total, unquestioned power never seek that power for the benefit of their fellow men and women. It is always used to aggrandize themselves alone.

Let Freedom Ring… Again challenges us to renew our commitment to the ideals of our founding fathers and actively preserve the freedoms that make America a beacon of hope and opportunity.”—Dr. Rand Paul, US Senator

“Let Freedom Ring is a must-read book today. It gives a ringing endorsement for the uniqueness of America and also outlines the risks if America is no longer the premier nation on the world stage. It all starts with Freedom. George Landrith gives the reader a bird’s eye view of America’s great history showing the way our founders designed the Constitution granting limited powers to the national government and protecting us with a Bill of Rights.

As Landrith explains, the government created by our founders has provided affluence and peace for generations of Americans. Tragically there are some who don’t appreciate our nation’s rich history or understand the correlation between liberty and prosperity. But Landrith shows the way. Let Freedom Ring explains that freedom is under assault in America and to fight back Americans of all faiths, beliefs and ethnicities need to come together and keep America a place where freedom reigns.”—Horace Cooper, Chairman of Project 21 and FoxNews Contributor

George Landrith’s Let Freedom Ring… Again is a celebration of America and an owner’s manual that reminds us that it is our responsibility to keep America free and prosperous.  And he teaches us the lessons he has learned in politics that will allow each of us to do our part to protect our nation and its future.”—Grover Norquist, Founder & President of Americans for Tax Reform

“For many many years, George Landrith has been one of America’s premier freedom fighters in Washington. Liberty is sacred but incredibly fragile. Without watchdogs like George Landrith, the politicians would be snatching away our rights – one after another after another. This book—Let Freedom Ring … Again—is a reminder that our free enterprise system is always under assault.”—Stephen Moore, former Trump economic advisor and senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation

“Landrith’s new book, Let Freedom Ring … Again underscores the critical importance of understanding and defending the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the timeless values that have guided our country since its inception. In an era where these fundamental principles are increasingly under assault, this book serves as a vital reminder that our liberties must be vigilantly protected at all costs.”—Ximena Barreto, Capitol Hill Staffer & Political Activist