An honest examination of the contemporary body positivity movement, which explains how Big Food and Big Pharma have colluded to prey on our deepest insecurities to keep Americans fat, sick, and depressed.
More than seventy years after Americans dutifully embraced the low-fat diet in an era of industrialized food, a nation left fat, sick, and depressed three generations later are now desperately looking for answers to combat the twin epidemics of obesity and chronic disease. The contemporary phenomenon to promote “body positivity” under the banner of “health at every size,” however, is another corporate-sponsored movement to accept obesity and chronic illness as the new norm while fundamentally transforming our healthcare system into a sick care system. Big Food and Big Pharma have accomplished what Big Tobacco tried but failed: hook generations of consumers on biochemically addictive products and discredit the consequences. Everybody knows smoking kills. Few understand that cereal will too. The modern message of “body positivity” is an emotionally tempting doctrine to a public rightly frustrated by the guidance of the so-called “experts,” but in reality, it remains a trojan horse for the food and medical industries to prey on the physical insecurities and emotional turbulence of lifelong customers.
An honest examination of the contemporary body positivity movement, which explains how Big Food and Big Pharma have colluded to prey on our deepest insecurities to keep Americans fat, sick, and depressed.
More than seventy years after Americans dutifully embraced the low-fat diet in an era of industrialized food, a nation left fat, sick, and depressed three generations later are now desperately looking for answers to combat the twin epidemics of obesity and chronic disease. The contemporary phenomenon to promote “body positivity” under the banner of “health at every size,” however, is another corporate-sponsored movement to accept obesity and chronic illness as the new norm while fundamentally transforming our healthcare system into a sick care system. Big Food and Big Pharma have accomplished what Big Tobacco tried but failed: hook generations of consumers on biochemically addictive products and discredit the consequences. Everybody knows smoking kills. Few understand that cereal will too. The modern message of “body positivity” is an emotionally tempting doctrine to a public rightly frustrated by the guidance of the so-called “experts,” but in reality, it remains a trojan horse for the food and medical industries to prey on the physical insecurities and emotional turbulence of lifelong customers.