Crush Your Clutter


What is the secret to a clutter free life? Is there a magic formula for getting your home, your office and life, finally in order? The answer is yes, but the change begins with you.

Here’s the thing, organizing is a skill. It needs to be practiced to be perfected. Just like you practice your daily maintenance routines, like brushing your teeth, walking the dog, and caring for your family, so should you organize. And it begins with just fifteen minutes a day. The key is to recognize the external factors that affect why you accumulate things you do not need, why you can’t rid of clutter, why you are overscheduled and why you have a fear of missing out.

The author has spent her life helping the chronically cluttered and disorganized change their bad habits and adopt new positive ones. In her trademark straightforward and often humorous approach, Carlomagno takes the listener through thought provoking exercises to discover the real reasons as to why we clutter. After all, it is rarely about the tasks or the stuff, but how you decide to deal with it. Crush Your Clutter is based on her work as a nationally recognized media expert and sought-after public speaker.