Blessed, Donald J. Trump, and the Spiritual War: How the Battle for the Soul of This Country Began with One Word


On July 9th, 2020, Bob Unanue, the CEO of Goya Foods, became the target of cancel culture. His crime? He used the word “blessed” to describe the country under President Donald J. Trump. This is the incredible true story of one man’s belief in standing up for America and doing what’s right.

One single word—Blessed.

This was enough to nearly cancel Bob Unanue.

Unanue may be a humble, philanthropic man determined to better the world, but he is no sheep. The normally mild-mannered CEO stared down the hatred, division, and destruction of cancel culture and came out victorious on the other side.

Blessed, Donald J. Trump, and the Spiritual War is about the power of courage and faith, and how they shaped one of the greatest stories of Hispanic success in American history and will lead a lost America back to the godly principles that built it.

“Bob Unanue is not only a terrific person, he’s also a great friend of mine, and he’s always been a Strong Supporter of our Country and its Values. He’s a True Patriot and Shining Example of a Great American. We need more people like him!”–Former President Donald J. Trump

“In this book, Bob Unanue encourages all of us who, alongside of him, have resisted the cancel culture and have stood proudly with President Trump for America and for God! I not only endorse this book—I celebrate it!”–Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life

“Bob spoke from the heart and shared a powerful message of gratitude for the blessings of life and liberty in America. And his hopes for the future of our country in which those same values could flourish.”–Dr. Ben Carson

“Bob Unanue is one of the most decent men in all American business, and his life reflects it. This is a remarkable story.”–Tucker Carlson