Bombardier Books

Airborne: How the Liberal Media Weaponized the Coronavirus Against Donald Trump


From the author of the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama comes the shocking exposé of how the mainstream media deliberately reported fake news during the coronavirus pandemic in order to take down President Trump before the 2020 election.

Starting with the Russian collusion hoax, the media never relented in their attempts to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency. When the bogus impeachment ended with Trump’s acquittal, they needed a new “scandal” to hang over his head. After largely ignoring the coronavirus outbreak, the media made it their Hail Mary attempt to sabotage President Trump. They claimed Trump’s travel ban with China was racist, xenophobic, and unnecessary—then later blamed him for not implementing it sooner. They falsely claimed Trump called the coronavirus a hoax. They concocted a phony timeline to “prove” his response to the pandemic was slow. They deceptively edited Trump’s words to create an impression that he was crazy or stupid. They even blamed him for the death of a man whose wife gave him fish tank cleaner.

In Airborne: How the Liberal Media Weaponized the Coronavirus Against Donald Trump, Matt Margolis exposes and debunks these lies and fake narratives reported by the media in their desperate attempt to thwart Trump’s reelection.