Red Moon Rising: How America Will Beat China on the Final Frontier

By Greg Autry, Peter Navarro

Space Race 2.0 has started, and the winner—America or Communist China—will define the future of humanity.

The space race was a critical determining factor in the Cold War. After its Sputnik miracle, the Soviets’ loss of the race to the Moon undermined the international mystique of Communism and crushed the USSR’s dreams of world domination. America’s wildly successful Apollo program, by sharp contrast, brought America global glory and prestige—along with a plethora of “miracle technologies” that accelerated economic growth and strengthened US national security for half a century.

We are now embroiled with a brutal and autocratic Communist China in a new cold war and second, far more consequential, race to the Moon—whichever country seizes the commanding heights of the moon will have preferential access to vast lunar resources that will determine the quality of life on Earth and the political and moral character of the human diaspora as it advances into the solar system.

America should win Space Race 2.0 and is leading an international and commercial coalition to do so. Yet, Communist China is giving no ground even as its rockets soar above us. The clear risk: Timid and visionless policy makers in the White House and Congress may well surrender the ultimate high ground to the butchers of Beijing.

Greg Autry and Peter Navarro have been warning of this competition for more than a decade. Both were influential in the construction of America’s triumphant space agenda during the Trump administration. In this book, they take you through the technology, economics, and history of this important topic and provide policy recommendations that will win the Space Race for America.

“Space superiority is one of the most important goals for long-term American survival. Greg Autry and Peter Navarro clearly describe the challenges we face in outer space—and the devastating consequences if America cedes space leadership to other nations. The dangers we face are real. If we don’t confront them, the future could be catastrophic for America and the world.” —Newt Gingrich, 50th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

“This superbly researched book is equivalent to the warnings by Winston Churchill in the 1930s regarding the catastrophic failure of leadership by the West to counter Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan before the onset of WWII…. If we prevail in this space race—which makes the one with the Soviets in the 1960s look like child’s play by comparison—the political, social, and economic benefits to the world will be beyond measure.” —Courtney Stadd, Former Director, Commercial Space Policy at the White House National Space Council; Former NASA Chief of Staff; and currently Executive Vice President, Beyond Earth Institute

“This book needs to be on the desk of every official in the Pentagon, Congress, the White House, and the Western World, not to mention everyone who wants to understand the Space Race 2.0 now fully engaged between the USA and China in the context of a world that is increasingly hostile to the values of our American republic and Western civilization in general.” —Homer Hickam, NASA Engineer and Author of Rocket Boys (aka October Sky)

The threat of the 21st century…the authors nailed it. The United States is an aerospace nation…from the beaches of Kitty Hawk to the International Space Station to the James Webb Space Telescope and beyond…this and all of the benefits of access to and use of space for the betterment of humankind are at risk…. The authors paint a clear picture of the threats to the free use of space from basic commerce to international security. A must-read!” —Major General (Ret.) Lee Levy, Member of the NASA Advisory Council

“Autry and Navarro provide a compelling overview of the status and stakes of the new space race, the reasons America must win, and a plan to do it. Highly entertaining and super-informative even for the expert, this is a must-read for every voter, taxpayer, and parent who is concerned about America’s future and whether our best days will be behind us or yet ahead.” —Peter Garretson, Lt. Col., USAF-Ret, Author of Scramble for the Skies and The Next Space Race

“Autry and Navarro have been way ahead of the curve in warning of the dire consequences of China’s expanding technological capabilities. Time to wake up and get serious. Read the book.” —Honorable Dana Rohrabacher, Long-Serving Chair of the House Space Subcommittee

Red Moon Rising highlights important threats that we would face during a future conflict with China in space, from electromagnetic pulse nuclear explosions to kinetic as well as non-kinetic anti-satellite attacks. One thing is certain—China does not intend to lose the Space Race 2.0…. And if that were allowed to happen, it would be very bad for all freedom-loving people down here on Earth.” —Colonel (Ret.) Terry Virts, Former NASA Astronaut, Commander of the International Space Station, USAF F-16 Pilot and Test Pilot

“Greg Autry’s and Peter Navarro’s book is a must-read for anyone looking to understand where the United States stands in space leadership…. Autry and Navarro capture history, competition, national security, and challenge in a most entertaining and illuminating read.” —Congressman Robert S. Walker (Ret.), Former Chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, CEO of MoonWalker Associates

“During the Trump administration, Autry and Navarro were influential in defining the most important and successful US space agenda since the 1960s…. Much remains to be done, and in this important book, they detail the challenges our nation faces in space as well as the immense opportunities the development of the Moon and solar system can bring to our people and all humankind.” —Steve Kwast, Lt. General USAF (Ret.), CEO of SpaceBilt Inc.

“Autry and Navarro adeptly make the case for space exploration with pragmatic alacrity while describing China’s space ambitions in level-headed, matter-of-fact prose that builds an undeniable reality…. It is imperative that policymakers understand the implications not just for law, but for access to space and its resources. Written with urgency rather than alarm, this must-read book is an excellent study in geopolitics that will undoubtedly spur discussion, and hopefully, action.” —Michelle L.D. Hanlon, Executive Director, Center for Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi

“A military maxim is to dominate the high ground to defeat the enemy, and none is higher than space. Autry and Navarro’s exceptional book explains why space matters to Americans and to US national security, and why Communist China’s strategic bid for supremacy in space must be defeated by the US…. This is a powerful, insightful, and witty analysis of why the US must command the high ground to ensure the security of Americans, our allies, and key partners.” —Dr. Bradley A. Thayer, Founding Member of the Committee on Present Danger China and Coauthor of Embracing Communist China: America’s Greatest Strategic Failure and Understanding the China Threat

“Simply put, space is an essential domain that must be protected. Unfortunately one nation has demonstrated their intention to dominate the space domain through non-kinetic and kinetic means—the People’s Republic of China. In Red Moon Rising, Autry and Navarro provide a comprehensive analysis of this critical domain, the threats posed by the PRC, and the solutions necessary to ensure America, and our allies, are able to keep this domain free and open for ourselves and our posterity. This is a must-read for those who wish to be informed and who wish to petition their representatives to take corrective actions now.” —James E. Fanell, CAPT USN (Retired), Former Director of Intelligence and Information Operations for the US Pacific Fleet, Founding Member of the Committee on Present Danger China, and Coauthor of Embracing Communist China: America’s Greatest Strategic Failure

“We had better get American boots on the moon before the Chinese do. The Communists in Beijing tell us they will prevent us from going there if they arrive first, and whoever controls the moon will end up dominating just about everything else in the solar system, including our planet. Yes, the moon is that important, so now’s a great time to find out what Greg Autry and Peter Navarro have to tell us in Red Moon Rising.” —Gordan Chang, Author of The Great U.S.-China Tech War and China Is Going to War