William Abramovits, MD, FAAD, is an academic and practicing dermatologist in Dallas, Texas. His career started in Venezuela, where he obtained the certification of physician and surgeon in 1972. This was followed by passing the USA equivalency by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, which allowed him to enter a post-graduate residency program in internal medicine at the Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin to become an internist in 1976. He then transferred to the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) to complete his residency in dermatology in 1979. He later passed the Board Certification Test given by the American Board of Dermatology, for which he maintains certification.
Later, he returned to Venezuela to practice and teach dermatology. Well known political circumstances there made him relocate back to the US, first to McAllen in South Texas and then to Dallas in 1990 to practice and teach.
Currently, Dr. Abramovits teaches at Baylor University Medical Center (now part of Baylor Scott & White Health), the University of Texas Medical School in Dallas and the Dermatology Residency of the University of North Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine. He directs a dermatology post-graduate program that prepares Residents to become board-certified in dermatology.
Dr. Abramovits has over 250 publications in peer-reviewed medical journals and textbooks, authoring several. He lectures on skin disease nationally and worldwide.