John H. Cox

John H. Cox is an attorney, CPA and investment adviser who has started five successful small businesses but has also devoted a major part of his life to both charitable and political endeavors. A devoted father of four wonderful daughters and husband of Sarah Hall Cox, he has run unsuccessfully for several offices, taking on difficult efforts in states and locales that desperately needed better leadership but due to corruption and media influence have entrenched difficulties that made his efforts uphill to say the least. Raised by a single mother who was a librarian and teacher in the Chicago Public School system, Cox never forgot his roots or his mother’s admonition to make a difference in this great country. Cox is an honors graduate of the University of Illinois (BA Political Science and Accounting, 1976) as well as a graduate with high honors from IIT/Chicago Kent College of Law. He is the author of law review articles as well as a book, Politics, Inc, which argues for electing statesmen rather than career politicians.

Books byJohn H. Cox