Bishop Aubrey Shines

Bishop Aubrey Shines, a Chicago native, began ministering in the Cook County Correctional System in Chicago,IL. He has a bachelor’s degree in Theology, and a master’s degree in Divinity.

He is the founder of G2G Ministries, Inc.—a ministry that has since transcended denominational, cultural, and ethnic boundaries.

Being convinced and assured that the Bible is the true Word of God, Pastor Shines travels extensively, sounding the alarm across America and never divorcing his biblical ministry from cultural or political issues. He compels the church to return to what our forefathers established and to live by what God has ordained in His Word, without compromise, addressing the most pressing issues of our day: those relating to righteousness.

In June 2020, Bishop Shines founded and became chairman of Conservative Clergy of Color, whose mission is to deliver truthful narratives on the issues of racism throughout our influential network of pastors and across multiple media channels to prevent the destruction of our country driven by increasingly divisive forces.

Books byBishop Aubrey Shines