Born September 29, 1966, in Boston, MA, Marc Buoniconti was the youngest of three children to Terry, a nurse, and Nick, a Hall of Fame linebacker for the Miami Dolphins. Marc excelled in all sports, but particularly in football, and despite a spotty academic record he earned a full scholarship to play at The Citadel in Charleston, SC. It was there in October 1985 that Marc, then a sophomore, suffered a dislocation of the C-3, 4 vertebrae and a severe spinal cord injury that would leave him paralyzed from the shoulders down.
His rehabilitation included learning how to breathe without a ventilator and mastering the breath-controlled wheelchair that provides his only mobility. Marc earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Miami and then took on the driving purpose in his life—to help those suffering from catastrophic injury—as ambassador and now president of The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and The Buoniconti Fund. He has served on numerous local, state, and federal committees dedicated to finding a cure, given hundreds of interviews and spoken at countless public appearances.
“My goal,” he says, “is to get everyone out of these wheelchairs.”